Saturday, April 10, 2010

You light up my blog.

When I was young I loved one song and I can sing it well until today. The song's name is, 'You light up my life'.  If you've never heard this song because you're too young or you've never paid attention,  please follow this link: You will find that the song is slow and sweetly sung by Debbie Boone. The meaning of the song is nice and hits my heart. I've been waiting for someone to sing me his song, like what she sang. Well, it may not be exactly but very closed, anyway. You may see that this blog has been written onec in a while and there're not many people making use of it. I may not post a new entry very often but if you're my real fan, you may notice that I link more websites gradually. No one gives any comment on my blog for a long, long time. Then recently a mysterious person named 'Yookung' has made some comments! Wow! This is what really thrills me. Thank you so much for your attention, moreover; your comments have encouraged me to come back and write something.
Yeah, this entry is for you. If you'd like to follow me, please give some comment to let me know that you're still interested. I'd try my best to spare some time to write more and more post at least once a month. If you like the song and want to sing it too I'm sure you can see the small windows of related video clips in Check them out and enjoy singing. Who knows, one day I may take you to a karaoke near the university and sing together.

Well, come on, those who are reading this but keep hiding secretly, please show me that you care to sing and we can join together.   Don't you know what 'the more, the merrier' means?

1 comment:

YOOKUNG said...

Learn more ( karaoke .. )
